Sunday, September 6, 2009

Not Such a Little Girl Anymore

I realized while viewing my blog recently that Amanda is not so much a little girl anymore. She has grown a lot since I posted the original pictures.

When this journey into the discovery of PKD first began, Amanda was still in middle school...she is now a Senior in High School.

In light of the fact that the doctors were originally seeking cancer when they discovered that she actually had PKD and Cutis Verticus Gyrata, I am VERY thankful to see her grow and mature into a young women.

While various symtoms of her health issues plague her on occasion, she is doing extremely well in school and now coaches competitive gymastics in the afternoons.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Keeping Up with your Health

Am I the only one out there that seems to have trouble keeping up with the important things in life?

I seem to make time to keep up with everything except my health....the most important thing of all. Without good health, everything else would slide.

I received blood test orders and paperwork for my anual ultrasound and mamogram back in June and I still have not even made an appointment.

I will make a point to get these scheduled.